یونگ هوا عینکش رو اهدا کرده!!!!!
هرکدوم از بازیگرای سریال سه تفنگدار یکی از وسایل شخصی خودشون رو اهدا کردن!! در رابطه بااینکه به کی و کجا چیزی ننوشته!!
توی ادامه مطلب میتونید عکس سایر بازیگر ها و مصاحبه یونگ هوا رو ببینید.

ببخشید که نرسیدم متن رو ترجمه کنم :)
Q. Please say hello to Good Culture Campaign 'Happy Bean' and introduce "TTM" for us.
JYH: Hello, this is Jung Yonghwa, playing the role of Park Dalhyang in "The Three Musketeers". Based on Alexandre Dumas' original novel "The Three Musketeers", it retells the story in the Joseon period. In one word, it's a romantic swashbuckler!
Q2. Have you participated in charity or volunteer work? If you have any special memories or experiences, please tell us.
JYH: The most special memory I have is building the CNBLUE School in Burkina Faso in Africa. It was my first official charity/volunteer work. When I saw the faces of the children in Africa at the school with full smiles, I felt indescribable happiness.
Q3. Please introduce your character in "TTM". Also, do you have any similarities with the character?
JYH: Park Dalhyang that I play is a natural warrior who has all the necessary virtues such as perseverance, belief, and courage. Personality wise, he's very simplistic, upbeat, and optimistic. I think I also have a positive personality and how I live 24 hours like one year resembles Park Dalhyang. I'll participate earnestly in this project.
Q4. Do you have any personal episode behind this item you donated?
JYH: I like to wear sunglasses, and these are the ones I have often worn even during my own personal times.
Q. In your participation of Good Culture Campaign, which seeks to share culture and art with those in need. Could you say a word to all those who proactively participate?
JYH: I know it's not easy to practice this kind of sharing with others. I really respect everyone who participates in
نظرات شما عزیزان:
ساعت12:30---24 مرداد 1393
چقدر خوب!من از این عینکش خیلی بدم میومد.زشت بود.خوب شد اهداش کرد.خخخخخخخ
گرچه فکر کنم از این مدل شونصدتا داشته باشه:| پاسخ: خخخخ موافقم :)
لی شین 
ساعت21:45---23 مرداد 1393
ممنون خیلی عکسش قشنگه پاسخ: خواهش عزیز
ساعت20:17---23 مرداد 1393
راستي بقيه جي داده بودن؟من متوجه نشدم فقط فهميدم يكيشون كفش داده ممنون.gif) پاسخ: نخوندم مال بقیه رو.بزار برم بخونم میگم بهت
ساعت20:15---23 مرداد 1393
عجب عينكيم اهدا كرده من كه تا حالا نديده بودمش افرين به اين گل پسر.gif)
ممنون.gif) پاسخ: چرا دیدیش زیاد اینو زده!
ساعت7:25---23 مرداد 1393
ممنون یونگ بخاطر قلب مهربونت
ممنون پوران جون واسه مطالب خوبت.gif) پاسخ: خواهش عزیزم :*